日本財団 図書館


Medium Term Development
-Reconstruction of the 48 km Poipet - Sisophon spur.
-Phnom Penn workshop upgrading and improve the Phnom Penh, Sanrong,
-Battambang and Sihanoukyille depots/yards.
-Introduction of instillation or train control system of signaling and telecommunications for 648 km.
-Supply 50 modernized Diesel Locomotives and 500 wagons.
-Establishment of a training school for railway management maintenance and operation.
-Construction of 15 km Cement Factory spur.
-Construction of 48 km Phnom Penh - Kompong Speu line.
-Construction of 13.5 km Phnom Penh - Prek Phouy line.
-Construction of 25 km Phnom Penh - Tonle Bati line.
-Construction of Concrete and Steel bridge work shop at Phnom Penh.
-Construction of Creosote treatment plant for wooden sleepers.
-Feasibility study on modernization of railway system.
Long Term Development
-Track renewal, Northern line (375 km) and Southern Line (50 km).
-lCD and Marshaling yard, commodities warehouse at Samrong PK9.
-Standardization of bridge load capacity to 20 ton.
-Double track between Phnom Penh and PK9.
-Modernized signaling and telecommunication system for 641 km railway line.
-Supply of 100 modernized Diesel locomotives, 100 passenger coaches and 500 wagons.
-Construction of Phnom Penh - Vietnam border section (220 km).
-Construction of Phnom Penh - Laos border section (380 km).
The seminar will continue to foster good relations between the railway in the Kingdom of Cambodia and Japan, from varied exchanges of knowledge and information gained through on going reference will surely survive to enhance future cooperation and mutual understanding.
The Royal Cambodian Railway wishes to take this opportunity to express its sincere thanks to those who have contributed towards the interest of this seminar.
Thank you.





